chola Bronze-Chennai Museum

chola Bronze-Chennai Museum

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Indian art a fresh look--Mona Lisa does not smile anymore

The art of India sought inspiration in philosophy of non-violence and inclusiveness. West instead suckled on the grandeur of the highly regimented war mongering Roman Empire. The art of Cholas, Chalukyas, Vijaynagar, Budhists and the Jains in India is far superior to the works of so called Renaissance Europe. This book presents a case of how Human context of art was predominant in Indian art while art of Europe was based on a slave owning, colonial and racially charged society.

1 comment:

  1. Indian art abounds with images and records of wars. We see the elephants charge the spears thrown. The great philosophical and religious epic of Krishna's , the Ramayana and Mahabharata, all these include vivid accounts of violence and war.
    Hindu art cannot claim to be interested in 'inclusiveness' since the social foundation of Hinduism is an institution based upon class and caste with untouchables at the very bottom.
    Renaissance Europe has a great art some of it spiritual some of it good some bad. Artists employed by the state may have glorified power as does Indian artists. However many works were created in devout faith and by monks and religious aware painters and sculptors.
    With regard to slaves the Hindus have had such slaves from the beginning of time and later Arab people have slaves and celebrate this notion of slavery in their religion.
    I am a painter who recognises spiritual art and have been amazed by spiritual art in India. But I think your statement here is false and is a mixture of unfounded resentments. Indeed the British also found the ruins of Buddhist Bodigia and many european and British scholars admired and documented India and Hindu art.
